Week 16 Survivor Pool Picks

Since we are getting close to the end in many leagues, I\’m going to do some analysis that will help you plan out the next few weeks to hopefully get you to the finish line. (For those of you already on the email list, the same link will work for all updates). First, we will change the \”remaining wins\” column to the average win probability for the next three weeks. We also will add a grid that shows win probabilities of each team for the rest of the reason. This chart will be available free for people who join the email list and select \”Survivor Pool.\” See below for a preview of what that chart looks like.

Rest of Season Win Probabilities Preview (join our FREE email list to get full chart)



Here are the picks for Week 15. No colors this week, as we\’re getting to the end, now it\’s a matter of picking which teams you have left.


My picks for the week: DAL and PHI.

To review:

Win probability: This is the most important. If you lose you get a strike or if you\’re in a one strike pool, you\’re out. So you want teams that have a high shot of winning.

Remaining wins: These are how many wins a team is predicted to have left this season (remaining wins is total predicted wins minus current wins). This is important because you can only pick a team once in a year, and if a team is really good and will win a lot of games in the season, you would want to save them for later picks.

Update: This has been replaced with the average win probability for the next 3 weeks. The rest of season win probability chart gives specific win probabilities for each of the remaining weeks to help you plan. 

% picked: This tells us how much of the public has picked this team. With all else being equal, you want to pick a team that less people have picked.

Get our rest of season picks table and find out what MY strategy will be to hopefully get to the finish line! Sign up for our FREE email list here and select \”Survivor Pool\”:

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