Week 1 Regular Confidence Pool Picks

Forums CPP Forum Week 1 Regular Confidence Pool Picks

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  • Author
    • #6179 Reply
      Joyce Buala

      Hello Confidence Pool Picks participants! As we kick off the new football season, we’re excited to share some updates to enhance your experience: Pick
      [See the full post at: Week 1 Regular Confidence Pool Picks]

    • #6206 Reply
      Dan Coyle

      Glad to see these out early! As a new member, I wasn’t sure if the color highlights of the “Money Picks” have changed. The video guide indicates Green, Yellow and Blue, but the table has light green and a darker green?

      • #6208 Reply
        Dale Ting

        Hey Dan! Welcome! Yes we changed the colors a bit this year, dropping the blue picks and changing the yellow picks to dark green. We’ll send out an update and update the video as well!

    • #6207 Reply
      Parth Parikh

      What does * mean in the $ column? I see two diff shades of green, any meaning to that?

      • #6209 Reply
        Dale Ting

        Work in progress, but in the future it’ll mean there was a change in the money pick since the last update. Good catch!

    • #6212 Reply

      Hey Dale,
      What are the new colors in lieu of Green,Yellow,Blue?

      Thanks. Love the site!

      • #6213 Reply
        Dale Ting

        Hi Matt!

        We basically eliminated the blue pick and changed yellow to dark green. I’ll have a video up soon with the explanation!

    • #6231 Reply

      Hi football lovers! I’m Kevin and new here. My friends call me “dogg”. I’ve been in a pool for years, but hard times have rendered me homeless. I’ve been living in a ford focus since December of last year and I really missed the excitement of the pool last season, so let’s have some fun 🤩!

    • #6245 Reply

      In the “Suggested picks by risk” table, the “Risk” columns do not line up with the “Base” column.
      e.g. KCC went from 11 in the “Base” column to 13 in the “Some Risk” column. In the same 2 columns, PHI and DEN are switched, DAL and NOS are switched, and SFO and BUF are switched. I saw your video on this and I thought the idea here is to bump them all down by 1 confidence point from the “Base” (or 2 points for “High Risk”). Were these changes intentional or a mistake?

      • #6251 Reply
        Dale Ting

        Oops, we didn’t update the risk picks table! We’ll update it for our next post. Thanks for catching!

    • #6254 Reply
      Dale Ting

      Great way to start the year... money pick hits!

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