2021 Week 8 Confidence Pool Picks

Welcome to Week 8!

Here are your PREMIUM picks.

[confidence page=\”premium_pick\” week=\’8\’ season=\’2021\’]

Green Picks: NO has a 30% of winning but is only being picked 4%. NE has a 30% win percentage but is only being picked 10%. JAX is touted with a 39% win percentage and is being picked only by 10%. Fun fact: Jacksonville is the largest city by land mass in America.

Thursday Update: NO has been added to our green picks with their odds. NE pick rate went down to 9%. JAX win probability is down to 38% and their pick % went up by 1 to 11%. 

Saturday Update: NO has increased being picked by 1%.

Yellow Picks: IND has a 59% chance of winning and is being picked 14% in their matchup. That\’s some serious value. MIN has a 42% win percentage and 15% picked.

Thursday Update: IND now has a 52% of winning and 16% picked. MIN is increased to 45% and is picked 16%.

Saturday Update: IND has increased being picked by 1% to 17%. MIN also increased to being picked to 19%.

Blue Picks: PHI is our blue pick with a 65% win probability and being picked at 54%.

Thursday Update: PHI now has a 64% of winning and 52% picked. 

Saturday Update: PHI has decreased to 51% picked.

And here are the low, medium, and high risk picks for the week:

[confidence page=\”risk_team\” week=\’8\’ season=\’2021\’]


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