2021 Week 17 Confidence Pool Picks

Welcome to Week 17!

Week 16 Recap: Two of our money picks hit this week. HOU beat LAC 41-29. What a shock! MIA beat NO 20-3. CLE was close but fell short to GB. SF was also close but lost to TEN

How did you do last week?
9 votes

Here are your PREMIUM picks.

[confidence page=\”premium_pick\” week=\’17\’ season=\’2021\’]

Green Picks: MIN has a 27% win probability and is being picked 4% of the time. NYG has a 28% win rate and is being picked 5% of the time. DEN has a 30% win probability and is being picked 6% of the time.

Update 12/31: Kirk Cousins is now on the COVID list, so their win probability has tanked. They\’re no longer a green pick.

Update 1/1: NYC win rate increased to 30% and is still picked 5% of the time. DEN win rate went down to 27% and is still being picked 6% of the time. 

Yellow Picks: MIA has a win probability of 37% and is being picked 19%. BAL has the same 37% win probability but is being picked less at 11%. WSH has a 35% win probability and is being picked 18%.

Update 1/1: MIA win rate went up to 38% and is being picked 22% of the time. BAL win rate is down to 30% and has a 10% pick rate. WSH win rate is down to 33% and is being picked 15% of the time. 

Blue Picks: No blue picks this week.

And here are the low, medium, and high risk picks for the week:

[confidence page=\”risk_team\” week=\’17\’ season=\’2021\’]


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